About EPC
Edmonton Pickleball Club
EPC is a private, members funded club that was incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta as a Non-Profit Organization on November 30, 2015.
Mission statement
Our mission is to develop pickleball as a sport for all in Edmonton 18 years of age + as well as surrounding area by promoting the health, physical and social well-being of its members through offering organized recreational and competitive play in an atmosphere of collegiality and sportsmanship.
Edmonton Pickleball Club Etiquette
Code of Conduct
There is zero tolerance for foul language, comments of a sexual, gender, or racist nature. Unsportsmanlike conduct, inappropriate behaviour, or language may result in suspension or cancellation of membership in accordance with EPC bylaws.
* Arrive on time (at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled start)
* Introduce yourself before a game.
* Please Do not take advantage of a player’s physical limitations.
* Call out score every time you serve so that your opponents can hear the score.
* You have 10 seconds to serve after you announce the score.
* If you or your partner are not sure if the ball is in or out,( IT's IN) rule 6.D.8
* If ball is hit into another court, immediately YELL “Ball on Court!”. Do NOT chase the ball on another court.
* Do not offer advice to other players, unless asked for.
* Compliment people for outstanding amazing shots and a great game.
2023 Board of directors and officers
- President - Randy Dodds
- Vice-President - Andrew Happer
- Treasurer - Allan Willis
- Secretary - Keith Goulden
- Memberships - Sheila Sutherland
- Facilities - Ray Richards
- Social - Vacant (You ??)
- Communications - Randall Brezinski
- Ratings - Shelley Rolheiser
- Director1 - Clarence Reimer
- Director2 - John Blouin
- Scheduling - Vacant
How to Contact Us
To email a specific member, use the "Function" followed by "@edmontonpickleballclub.org".
Example: Director1@edmontonpickleballclub.org will reach Clarence Reimer
EPC Bylaws and policies
- Bylaws
- Guest Policy
- Website Advertising Policy
- Sponsorship Policy
- Sponsorship Policy Appendix #1
- Use of Club Logo Policy
- Under Age Player Policy
- Privacy Policy
Member benefits
Membership has many benefits. Your membership provides access to our excellent outdoor courts where you can enjoy the many physical, mental and social benefits of playing the sport, In addition, show your valid EPC membership card at City of Edmonton Recreation Facilities and receive a discount on admission fees.
You will become a member of Pickleball Canada. See benefits HERE. You're also a member of Pickleball Alberta. See benefits HERE.