Winnipeg West Pickleball


Outdoor play at St. James Memorial Sports Park. Home of our new 8 court facility.

  • To join our club for play at St. James Memorial Sports Park, click the black "Join-Renew" button.

Winnipeg West Pickleball courts and club Hours (C = club courts, P = public courts)

(example: on Mondays 8AM-2PM C6-P2 means six courts for club play and two courts for general public play)

Note: When playing on Publicly designated courts or during designated Public hours:

  • Users should share the courts with anyone waiting every 30 minutes ( after every game).
  • Public courts will be marked.

      The Overall Court Reservation Calendar is "Hold My Court". 

      Playing spots are booked using Play Time Scheduler.

      Outdoor Play Schedule For 2024.


      **** There are still some areas of this document that are not totally complete, they will be added when available ****

      Winnipeg West Pickleball Club has a number of weekly activities for beginners and experienced player alike that take place at the St. James Memorial Sport Park (SJMSP).

      In the case of a Special Event, for example a tournament the WWPB Board may temporarily suspend regularly scheduled activities, so the Special Event may be held. The Schedule is subject to change throughout the outdoor season.

      What follows is a description of the various activities that have been allocated time slots on the Out Door Weekly Schedule (the Schedule).

      1. General

      a) Only WWPB members may participate in activities scheduled during hours designated for club use of the City of Winnipeg courts at SJMSP (club hours).

      b) To become a WWPB member go to Winnipeg West Pickleball

      c) The WWPB Code of Conduct applies to all activities taking place during club hours at the SJMSP.

      d) Non WWPB members, at the activity coordinators discretion, may participate in an activity up to 3 times before becoming a WWPB member is a condition of further participation.

      e) WWPB members may use the SJMSP courts during times designated for public use. Members must abide by all City of Winnipeg rules in effect during public use times.

      f) No WWPB activities are allowed during designated public use times (non club hours) at the SJMSP.

      2. Club Activities That Accept All Skill Levels

      All club members, regardless of skill level, may participate in the following activities.

      Coordinators TBD

      Club Play (shown in light blue on the Schedule)

      1. Club Play (members only, no skill levels) Play is booked using PlayTime Scheduler. We do not want to overload the courts and have people not able to play.
        1. This is a club mixing activity and everyone deserves the same opportunity and respect. For Club play to work properly everyone has to co-operate and share the courts with others. Court monitors will organize play and daily play methods must be followed. WWPC Code of Conduct
        2. Some Club Play times i.e.: Saturdays may also have a Challenge Court option for more advanced players. Anyone can challenge “in”, maximum two (2) games in a row.

      Ladder League Play (shown in orange on the Schedule)

      Coordinator Bryan Weber (

      Men’s and Ladies Ladder Leagues will use Pickleball Brackets for signup.

      This program is used by Pickleball Canada for sanctioned tournaments and provides both a club and tournament skill ratings (they do not mix together; the two ratings are separate). See Pickleball Brackets for Men’s and Ladies scheduled times.

      If you are interested in competitive Men’s and Ladies ladder leagues you must have a Pickleball Brackets account (also free).

      Here is the link to open an account: Pickleball Brackets

      Skills and Drills (shown in pink on the Schedule) Coordinators Doug and Cathy Cable

      Skills and drills is designed to so that all WWPB members can “grow their game.” Emphasis is on placed on stroke improvement and court movement in a fun learning environment.

      Participation is on a drop-in basis. “Drop in” means members do not need to reserve a court or signup to participate during the assigned time slot. When you drop in to participate you will be matched with players of a similar skill level for the session. We thank all volunteer instructors for their time and talent; they make this activity a success.

      Open For Booking (OFB) Courts (No coordinator required) “Open” means time slots on the Weekly Out Door Schedule that are not assigned for a group activity.

      Open courts may be booked by small groups of members for their private use. “Small group” means a group of members, usually 8 or less in number, that are using a (one) court for up to a 2 hour period, on a one-time-basis that week.

      “Private use” means to play pickleball or conduct drills to improve pickleball playing skill. Private use does not include the use of courts to provide services to members for a fee.

      Individuals use Hold My Court (and its related rules) to reserve a court for their small, private group.

      3. Skill Level Group Activities

      Beginner and Novice (shown in light green on the Schedule)

      Coordinator - Robin Carnegie, Sandy and Shaun Corbett

      This coed group meets for recreational round robin play that emphasizes both social interaction and skill development in a relaxed environment. All are welcome to join the fun.

      Intermediate Daytimes (shown in forest green on the Schedule)

      Coordinator - Brent Horrill, Mitch Beaudien

      Intermediate coed level players up to the 3.0 skill level whose focus is developing their skills while enjoying the fun fitness and friendship aspects of the game.

      Novice - Intermediate Evenings (shown in light purple on the Schedule)

      Coordinators TBD

      This is an opportunity for novice players to engage in “challenge play” with intermediate players and for intermediate players to mentor novice players.

      Advanced (shown in red on the Schedule)

      Coordinator TBD

      More seasoned players at the 3.25-3.5 levels that engage in more aggressive play, and are moving toward 3.5 +. Play is likely be competitive by nature.

      Women’s 3.5 Recreational (Monday at 8 AM)

      Coordinators: Cathy Cable, Judy Bowes, Anne Blanchard

      Equal emphasis is placed on competitive and recreationally using a round robin format. Participants should be at the 3.5 skill level and have a good of court movement and team play.

      3.5 + Women’s 3.5+ Tournament Play (Thursday evenings 6 PM)

      Coordinator: Robin Chase

      A group of women at the 3.5 + skill level that meet to sharpen their individual skills and doubles playing abilities in preparation for tournament play. Focus is placed on partner practice.

      Participation in this popular group is decided by the group coordinators (see below) using the following criteria:

      1) Current member in good standing of Winnipeg West Pickleball Club;

      2) A player's current and reviewable CPTR or UPTR doubles rating of 3.5 +

      3) Registration in upcoming provincial, regional or national tournaments;

      4) Previous performance (the past two years) in a provincial, regional or national tournament at the  3.5 to 4.0 level.

      5) Court space permitting, consideration will be given to those players that demonstrate consistent use of stroke skills in game situations and satisfactory knowledge of doubles play. Players entering the group via this pathway are placed on a waitlist list for participation as court space dictates.

      Please note women at the 3.5+ skill level and not participating in this group are encouraged to attend at the Club Play time slots that are available at the time the Women’s 3.5+ group meets.

      3.5 + Coed Competitive (Wednesday 10 AM)


      A group of women and men at the 3.5 + skill level that meet to sharpen their individual skills and doubles playing abilities for possible competition in sanctioned and non-sanctioned tournaments, leagues or other similar competitive activities.

      Participation in our group is open to players by way of:

      • Review of your current CPTR or UPTR doubles rating of 3.5 +, and/ or;

      • Review of your performance, over the past two years, in a provincial, regional or national tournament at the 3.5+ level;

      • Achievement of a 3.5+ skill level rating from a recognized rating body; and

      • Consideration will be given to those players that demonstrate consistent use of stroke skills in game situations and satisfactory knowledge of doubles play. To judge your skill level relative to the minimum criteria for group participation go to[1]content/uploads/2023/05/IPTPA-Rating-Assessment-3.5.pdf

      Regardless of how you come to participate in our group, you must be a member in good standing of the Winnipeg West Pickleball Club.

      Participation in the group is decided by the Group Coordinators.

      4.0 + Coed Competitive/Tournament (Monday evening 6 PM and Saturday 12 PM)

      Coordinator: Advanced Plus Committee

      A coed group at the 4.0 + skill level that meet to sharpen their individual skills and doubles playing abilities in preparation for tournament and competitive play. Focus is placed on partner practice.

      Participation in this is determined by multiple factors including CTPR rating, tournament history, and observation of tournament and competitive play. Participants could enter or exit the group based on court availability and the above criteria. This group is intended to be for highly skilled players.

      Players wanting to join, may submit a request to join the group using the coordinators email above.

      Various tournament practice methods are used during the sessions.

      Men's 3.5 to 4.0 (Saturday at 10:00AM) 

      Coordinators Greg Blanchard, Lawrence Lobo 

      A group of men in the 3.5 to 4.0 skill level that get together to play with the goal of enhancing skills and doubles play in preparation for possible tournament and league play. One of the primary objectives is to also have fun doing so.

      How to Submit A request for a Time Slot on the Weekly Schedule (Indoor and Outdoor)

      1. A club member representing a group submits a written request, to the Schedule Committee, to have a time slot for play on the Weekly Out Door/ Indoor Schedule.

      Examples of a group are Novice or Intermediate skill level players. Play in groups may emphasize either recreation or social interaction or be highly competitive in nature, where “a winning or performance mindset” is prioritized.

      “Group” means 8 or more members participating in the approved activity on an ongoing basis. Participation in a group is open to all members who meet the eligibility criteria established for that group. For example, to participate in the 4.0+ competitive skill level group you must have a CTPR or UTPR rating of higher than 4.0.

      Groups (and their eligibility criteria) approved for a time slot on the Weekly Out Door Schedule are noted here - Put link to Group Descriptions.

      Each group must have a lead and alternate coordinator.

      Coordinators, in consultation with the members of the group, and amongst other duties, determine how play for the group is organized (i.e. randomized round robin, winners/losers, etc.) during the allocated time slot.

      1. Approval process - to have an assigned time slot on the Weekly Schedule a group must do the following:

      Contact a member of the Weekly Schedule Committee to ensure duplication of purpose does not occur;

      Provide complete written information (1 page maximum) of the groups’ purpose, expected number of members, eligibility criteria and other details deemed relevant. All groups’ requesting and approved for a time slot on the weekly schedule must have Coordinators.

      Following review by the Schedule Committee proposals are forwarded to the WWPB for approval.

      For an example of a request for a time slot on the weekly schedule insert link here ??